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我們提供免費送貨去香港、澳門及印尼、菲律賓、越南和泰國等國家及地區 (本港需最低消費$250或以上,澳門需消費$300 或以上),如未滿足最低消費,本店會收取相應的送貨附加費 $30 和 $40。如您需送達這些地點以外的地方, 請選擇到蓮花庭的新加坡網店 (www.lotusting.com.sg) 或國際網店 (www.lotusting.com) 購買。
地區 | 免運費消費(港幣) | 相應附加費(港幣) |
香港 | $250 | $30 |
澳門 | $300 | $40 |
順豊速遞和香港郵政是我們主要的速運商。本店會根據所訂購貨品的價值,包裝尺寸及送貨地址來選定速運商,本著最快和最方便您的送貨途徑, 所有的郵寄途徑都可以網上追蹤。送貨時間一般是 1-2 天,最快可當天送達。雖然我們都是備有現貨,但熱賣的貨品有可能遇到缺貨或補貨的情況,時間可能會久些,如遇此情況,我們會及時和您溝通。
送貨地址絕對多樣化,可選擇屋企,公司,便利店,快遞服務中心,甚至是智能櫃等等。為了減輕您的煩惱,您只需要提供您想收貨的地址, 例如屋企,我們的客服會跟您聯絡,爲您安排最佳或最適合您的送貨/自取方式,包括為您查找附近的便利店或服務中心。以下是送貨方式的簡單介紹。
第二:如果您不方便在以上地址收貨,您也可以選擇送去您附近的順豊服務點,包括全港的 7-Eleven 或者 Circle K 便利店,Shell 油站,甚至報攤檔,全港梗係有間響您咗近,我們會根據您的送貨地址幫您推薦及填寫便利店的地址及順豐 Pickup Code, 然後自己去攞貨, 您可以摁 7-Eleven or Circle K 查詢分店地址;也可去順豊查詢服務點地址。此種方法有重量限制,本店會衡量是否適合。
第四:仲有一個選擇就係順豊智能櫃, 分佈係香港,九龍新界等眾多地方,我哋可以將貨品送到您揀嘅 Locker 地址, 當您收到通知及密碼後,就可以自取,智能櫃地址請摁這裡查詢。使用方法簡單易用,操作好類似迪士尼樂園嗰儲物櫃。呢個方法有 Size 嘅限制,本店會衡量是否合適使用。
第五:還有最後還一個選擇,就是親自到本店領取,並可在Showroom 選購其它產品。你可以落單時輸入優惠碼 “Selfie" 減免運費。
我們雖然不能確保送達時間, 但在貨品送出後會以電郵送上 追查編號 "Tracking Number", 客人可以自行在網上追查貨件行踪。
你的訂單在最多兩個工作天內寄出。若相關貨品出現缺貨或需要補貨, 我們客戶服務同事會為大家個別安排。
Speed! Speed is everything! Besides shopping or collect your orders in person in our Boutique, we can also deliver it to you! We operate in Ready-to-Stock, no consignment. Although very expensive, we can provide the best possible service to satisfy our customers. Usually, the order will be delivered on the same day, and the quickest can arrive even in the same day (Hong Kong Comercial Area), but normally will arrive in 1 working day, very efficient.
We offer FREE delivery to Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Indonesia, Philliphine, Vietnam, and Thailand with min. order requirements, mainly through the two popular logistics providers in Hong Kong, namely SF Express and Hong Kong Post, both with tracking service. If you purchase below the min. required amount, we will charge top-up delivery fee respectively. If you want to deliver your order to other places, please order through our Lotusting Singapore or LotusTing International.
Region | Amount for Free Shipping | Top Up Fee |
HK | HK$250 | HK$30 |
Macau | HK$300 | HK$40 |
We select delivery provider based on value of your purchase, package size, and delivery address. The size of your purchase also play a role in choosing the delivery option as shown below. The fastest delivery time is arrival on the same day, but normal delivery time is 1-2 days. Although we are doing ready-to-stock, stock out occasions do occur particularly for hot sales items, in which case the delivery time may be longer, but we will communicate with you first.
There are quite a number of delivery options, such as your home, office, convenient store, service centre, or even smart lockers. However, you don't have to worry about all these. To reduce your trouble, all you need to do is to provide us with an address, and we will do the rest for you, such as choosing the best option or the nearest store for you. You are trouble-free.
For your information, we offer FIVE delivery options:
Firstly, we can deliver your orders to commercial/industrial location and residential address respectively, which is direct and straight forward.
Secondly, if you are not so convenient to receive orders at your office/home, you may opt to send it to the any SF Express Service Points, which include 7-Eleven or Circle K stores, Shell Gas Stations, and even Newsstands nearby. We will recommend and fill up the corresponding store address based on your shipping address, and you will be informed by SMS for pickup upon arrival at your convenience. To find out the store locations, please click 7-Eleven or Circle K. You may also check the address through SF Express. This delivery has weight limits, which will be monitored by us.
Thirdly, you may like your order to be sent to a SF Express Service Centres and SF Store near you for self pickup. You may find the address of these Centres here.
Fourthly, you may opt to send your order to SF Lockers, located throughout Hong Kong, and do the self-pickup. The operation is easy and convenient. Once you get the delivery notice with the passcode in your phone through SMS, you can use the code to open the locker. You may find the address of these SF Lockers here.
Fifthly, you can pick up your order in person at our Store. You can buy other items at our showroom as well. You can enter the discount code "Selfie" at Checkout to avoid the delivery charge.
All the items will be packaged in our stylish tailor-made gift boxes, which are nice looking and solid.
Although delivery times shown below are not guaranteed, they are our best approximation and will vary with specific requests. Shipments and deliveries only occur on weekdays. Shipping and Delivery is subject to change and will be determined at the time of order.
Since we are using third party delivery companies, we can not gurrantee the delivery time and quality, and therefore, we will not be responsible for any delay, damage or even loss of the shipment, but we will try our best to investigate for you. It is our responsiblity to select the most reliable delivery companies, and to ensure the afore-mentioned incidents never occur.
Delivery Procedure & Cost 送貨流程及費用
;蓮花庭為保障客人的利益, 所有貨品送出前皆經過嚴格質檢。需時可能要一至兩天, 請體諒!
符合規格的貨品皆附有 蓮花庭之 (1) 合格証掛牌 (2) 客戶服務卡及 (3) 附有圓形商標的吊繩 (參考附圖)。
Quality Control (QC):Before we can ship your order, we need to first prepare your products, do strict quality-control tests and carefully package the items. The time it takes to prepare your items for shipping is seperate from the delivery time. Preparing time is 1-2 working days according to our numerous orders every day. Thank you for understanding!
國際航運的過程中,可能有額外的費用,如當地稅或進口關稅。 一旦包裹到達其目的地國家的收費是任何海關或進口關稅。必須首先支付由包裹的收件者這些費用。雖然我們控制不了這些收費,國際間的進口關稅變化廣泛,請自行在當地查詢。
For international shipping, there may be additional costs such as tax or import duties. Any customs or import duties are charged once the parcel reaches its destination country. These charges must be paid first by the recipient of the parcel. Although we have no control over these charges, and cannot tell you what the cost would be, as customs policies and import duties vary widely from country to country, LOTUSTING Boutique is happy to cover those costs incurred upon receiving the copy of your receipts, by refunding the amount to your account.
我們收到您的付款和交付給專案通過物流公司後, 您的跟蹤號碼和交運公司網站連結將會透過電子郵件發送給您。
Your tracking number and the delivery company website link will be given to you by email or message after we received your payment and delivered to items through the logistics company.
Returns 退貨
我們希望蓮花庭的客人, 每次收貨都是愉快的。在收到產品之時, 請先檢查收妥。如發現有任何問題, 請拍照及聯絡我們。
當然我們是有14天退貨保障的, 所有回退貨品, 必須繫有我們原裝之所有包裝物料。
We want you to be completely happy with your order. If for any reason you are not satisfied, we will gladly accept your timely return of unworn, unwashed, or defective merchandise. Used merchandise cannot be returned unless defective. Returned merchandise should include the vendor packaging and tags and be in the same condition as when it was received. A pickup and/or restock fee may apply. Merchandise must be returned within 14 days of receipt of merchandise.
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Requirements for Returning Items 退貨條件
如發現退回之貨品以下情況, 蓮花庭有權不作退換:
1) 任何人為損壞
2) 曾經使用
3) 已剪下 產品掛牌 及 圓形商標的吊繩
4) 已過14天保障期
1) It was detected have obvious damages
2) Items must be received unused (without the smell of perfume), not in damaged or worn condition;
3) Had to cut out the product tag and circular logo lanyard
4) Items must be received within 14 days from the delivered date;
How to Make a Return 怎樣退回貨品
在送達日之後計7天內以電郵 [email protected] 與客戶服務同事聯絡, 並附上訂單號及產品編號SKU.
客戶服務同事會提供"退貨編號", "回貨表格"及回貨地址。
客人回貨時必需附有填妥之退貨表格 (可摁下圖下載)。
經過核實及確認後,您可以將貨品親自退回給本店,或用原包裝郵寄給本店(如非產品品質或錯發貨品, 客人需承擔送回之運費)。
Within 7 days of delivery, please contact our customer services by email at [email protected]. You should have your order number and item SKU for return.
We will send you a Return Form (Can also download from the linked photo below) with specific Return Code & return address. While you return your bag, please attached with the entitle filled form. After verification and confirmation, you can return the goods in person, or deliver it to our Boutique in Tsuen Wan (Except of the reasons of poor product quality or wrong goods , you should pay for the delivery .)
About Refund 關於退款
當收到貨件, 退回之貨品會立即經由蓮花庭 QC 部門檢查。經確認後, 您退款處理會在7個工作天內完成。金額會直接送到客人之戶口。
Returned items are subject to verification of error by our QC team. We will do this once we've received the item you've returned.
LOTUSTING Boutique will complete the refund in 7 business days after receiving your returns and verification. We will send you an email to inform you that we has received your returns, and please check your account about the refund within 7 business days.